

After your two free taster sessions, you should be asked to complete a Pre Affiliation Form, which means we have captured your essential details, and we need you to complete your online Registration and membership to the Club.

Bank Account Number: 04318846
Sort Code: 40-37-25

Reference: Player Initial & Surname followed by age group eg L Cook U14

Two Free Taster Sessions

We offer all new members two free taster sessions in which you can decide whether or not you would like to join our club. It also gives our coaches the opportunity to make an assessment of your current level of experience, so that we can place you in a training session that we feel best suits you. If you are interested in two free taster sessions please contact the club at , or fill in the form.

13 + 1 =

Training Fees

You can set up your monthly standing order to pay your training fees, which are paid in 12 monthly instalments.


Sparklers U10’s

£20 Per month

U11’s & Above

(90 min Sessions)

£24 Per month

Bank Account Number: 04318846
Sort Code: 40-37-25

Reference: Player Initial & Surname followed by age group eg L Cook U14

Training Venues

St Michaels’s CE High School
Astley Road

Parklands High School
Southport Rd

Training Schedule


We ask that you wear sportswear fit for training and netball trainers or non-slip training shoes. Hair should be tied back, jewellery removed and fingernails no longer than the tips of your fingers.

Once our coaches are satisfied that you have the appropriate level of experience and we have a space available for you, you will be placed into a competitive squad. For competitive match play you will need a Club Kit which is ordered online direct from our kit supplier, please visit our website and type ‘Leyland Excel’ in the search engine to see club kit.

Club Documents

Training Rota, Training Dates, Clubs Policies and Codes of Conduct can all be viewed and downloaded below

Codes of Conduct

Job Roles

Training Schedule



Accident Form

Quality netball training for age 5+. Grassroots to EN Talent Pathway. Learn to enjoy the girls top number 1 sport in the country!

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